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Stock Allocation

This guide explains how the allocations are handled in Saleor.


The warehouses, shipping zones, and channels must be linked to provide the expected allocation. Below you can find the explanation of the terms that will be required to understand this guide properly:

  • channel - allows configuring your shop differently for different currencies. See the channel documentation for details.
  • shipping zone - allows for defining the cost of shipping in different areas of the world with the use of shipping methods
  • warehouse - contains stocks of specific products, assigned to a given channel and shipping zone, can be defined as the collection point
  • stock - corresponds to resources of specific product variant in the given warehouse
  • allocation - corresponds to the currently allocated stocks for a given order line
  • allocation strategy - defines the preferences of warehouses for stock allocation and reservations

The relations between the mentioned entities are shown in the chart below:

Allocation flow​

Stocks are allocated in the checkout completion process for all lines with track inventory turned on. Each line is allocated according to the allocation strategy in the given channel. Multiple allocations are created when there is insufficient available quantity in one stock. Insufficient quantity in all product stocks raises the InsufficientStock error.

The line can be allocated only in the stocks that fulfill the following conditions:

  • the stock's warehouse is available in the channel in which the order is created
  • the stock's warehouse has a shipping zone that includes the shipping address (or billing address if the shipping address is not set) country code and this shipping zone is available in the channel in which the order is created
  • the stock has available quantities

Allocation strategies​

The allocation strategies allow defining the rule that is used during the stock allocation. At this moment, two possible options are available:

  • Prioritize warehouses by sorting order (PRIORITIZE_SORTING_ORDER) - allocate stocks according to the warehouses' order within the channel. If stock is insufficient, the remaining quantity is allocated in the next warehouse on the list and repeated if necessary. To change the warehouses' order within the channel, use channelReorderWarehouses mutation.
  • Prioritize warehouses with the highest stock (PRIORITIZE_HIGH_STOCK) - allocate stock in a warehouse with the most stock. If not enough stock is available in a single warehouse, the remaining quantity is allocated in the next warehouse on the list and continues to the next one if necessary. In this scenario, the warehouses' order within the channel is ignored.

Warehouse configuration​

Warehouse creation​

Firstly we need to create the warehouse with the use of createWarehouse mutation. In the following example, we are specifying name, slug, email and address of a warehouse.

mutation {
createWarehouse(input: {
name: "Example warehouse",
slug: "example-warehouse",
email: "",
address: {
streetAddress1: "Teczowa 8",
city: "Wroclaw",
country: PL,
postalCode: "53-601",
companyName: "Amazing Company Inc",
warehouse {
address {
errors {
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As a response we get the newly created warehouse:

"data": {
"createWarehouse": {
"warehouse": {
"id": "V2FyZWhvdXNlOmJjMjZiNjMzLTg0ZmItNDUxZC1hNTRjLTU1NDc1YjU5NTAzYQ==",
"name": "Example warehouse",
"slug": "example-warehouse",
"email": "",
"address": {
"id": "QWRkcmVzczo2NA==",
"companyName": "Amazing Company Inc"
"errors": []

After the warehouse is created it can be changed with the use of the updateWarehouse mutation. There is an option to change the following warehouse fields: name, slug, email, address and also define privacy and click and collect options.

We can define warehouse as public or private. Public warehouse allows you to query the stock information publicly in the API. Private warehouse requires permission.

Click-and-collect warehouses​

You can define warehouse as a collection point with the click and collect option. There are three options you can use:

  • local stock - the stock from the current warehouse is used during the fulfillment process. This option is only available for public warehouses.
  • all warehouses - the total stock of a given product from all warehouses is used during the fulfillment process. The available quantity is not restricted by the quantity of this warehouse, and ordered products can be shipped from any other warehouse that is available in the channel.
  • disabled - the current warehouse cannot be used as the collection point.

In the case of click-and-collect, the warehouse availability does not depend on the shipping zones. It is limited only by the given channel. The warehouse is available as a collection point for the given order under two conditions:

  • there is a stock with available quantity for a given product,
  • the warehouse is available in the channel in which the order is created.


In the case of the checkout with the local collection point, the stock allocation can be made only from the current warehouse. Insufficient quantity raises the InsufficientStock error. In the case of the checkout with the global collection point, the stocks are allocated from the chosen warehouse first. If there is insufficient quantity, the stocks are allocated from the next warehouse with the highest available quantity value.

Assign warehouses to the channels​

To allow assigning the warehouse to the shipping zone we need to have at least one common channel with this zone. So firstly, we need to assign warehouses to channels with the use of channelUpdate mutation. See the example below:

  mutation {
id: "Q2hhbm5lbDoxMQ==",
input: {
"addWarehouses": ["V2FyZWhvdXNlOjA4N2I2MzhlLWIxYzYtNDk5Mi1hMWQ1LTZiOWI5N2FjODU1Zg=="]
warehouses {
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As a response, we get the updated channel:

"data": {
"channelUpdate": {
"channel": {
"id": "Q2hhbm5lbDoxMQ==",
"warehouses": [
"slug": "example-warehouse"
"channelErrors": []

Shipping zone configuration​

Shipping zones allow defining the cost of shipping in different areas of the world. Shipping zones contain shipping methods that are available in given countries and channels.

Shipping zones are required to sell physical products to given countries.

Shipping zone creation and update​

To create the shipping zone use shippingZoneCreate mutation. You can specify such fields as name, description, countries, warehouses, channels and decide if you want to use it as the default one for all countries that are not covered by other zones.

Assigning warehouses to the shipping zone​

Warehouses that are assignable to shipping zones are the subset of warehouses assigned to the channel. So, to assign a warehouse to the shipping zone, the warehouse must be available in at least one channel to which the zone is assigned. Thus, you must first specify the channels to assign warehouses to the shipping zone. You can do this by providing the channels and warehouses together during shipping zone creation.

Below is the example for shipping zone creation with channels and warehouses. In this case, the defined warehouse is available in the channel specified in addChannels field, so it can be added to this shipping zone.

mutation {
input: {
name: "Zone A"
description: "Description for shipping zone A."
countries: ["US"]
default: False
addWarehouses: [
addChannels: ["Q2hhbm5lbDoxMA=="]
) {
shippingZone {
countries {
warehouses {
channels {
errors {
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When adding warehouses to the shipping zone, make sure that all warehouses will have the common channel with the shipping zone, otherwise you will get an error.

As a result, we get the newly created shipping zone.

"data": {
"shippingZoneCreate": {
"errors": [],
"shippingZone": {
"id": "U2hpcHBpbmdab25lOjEx",
"name": "Zone A",
"description": "Description for shipping zone A.",
"countries": [
"code": "USD"
"default": False,
"warehouses": [
"name": "ExampleWarehouse"
"channels": [
"id": "Q2hhbm5lbDoxMg=="
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To update the shipping zone use shippingZoneUpdate mutation. You can change all fields you defined during the creation process and unlink the channels and warehouses. Be aware that removing the channel may cause unlinking warehouses if it was the only common channel between zone and warehouse. As before, adding warehouses must have a common channel with the shipping zone.


Keep in mind that when the only common channel of warehouse and shipping zone is deleted (for example, after channel deletion or unlinking the warehouse or shipping zone from the channel), the connection between the warehouse and shipping zone is deleted. The common channel condition is mandatory.